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Change Your Life

As a qualified and accredited personal trainer, health coach, fitness and class instructor I am happy to offer:

- 1 to 1 PT session

- 2 to 1 PT session

- reshape packages

- bulk up packages

- weight loss packages

- individual fitness and diet programme

- fitness programme and diet online

Whether you want to lose a few pounds or bulk up in muscle, contact me today and get started!

A Bit About Me

Before I became qualified personal trainer in 2017 I used to be a gym member for few years. My own fitness journey taught me that living a healthy lifestyle begins with maintaining a strong and fit body. Now my aim is to help you identify your fitness goals, design an exercise program that fits your needs and guide you through every exercise, every workout.

Natasha haha thank you for awesome sessi

What I Do

Get Fit Wisely

As a certified trainer, I offer a wide range of fitness services and training styles. Choose from a wide array of existing training options or design your own. If you can’t find the service you’re looking for, contact me today.

Muscle Building

MUscle building is time consuming process that requires commitment and appropriate diet. Long lasting results will make you look and feel great as well as provide support  for your body and its function. My program will improve your health and have you feeling great. You’ll see an improvement in your performance that is worth the time.

Weight Bar

Group Fitness

Great way to access tailored 45 minutes session for general fitness for relatively small price. Fitness classes are greatr way to socialize with other people who have similar goals. Exercise in group will make the workout funny as well as motivating. Text class for more info.

Cross Fit Class

1 to 1 Training

Suns out guns out! The individually tailored program will help burn fat, boost metabolism, build muscles and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises and a healthy diet will have you in tip-top shape.

Sit Ups

Weight loss

Weightlos doesn't mean no food and running! Let me share my experience with You so You drop fat without dropping lean mass! Look smart and sexy, eat right food and feel great. What are you waiting for? Book a session today! Shred with me!


Super, knowledge, honesty and experience. Great motivator. As customer she will introduce You to the healthy lifestyle and daily routine.

Damian Supleo


Best personal trainer I ever had. She helped me to balance my diet as well as prepare my body for beach holiday. She shown me exercise and gave tips so I can manage my training on my own. Thank You Durgafitness.

Paulina Lanska


I am weight lifter and my passion to heavy iron made me consuming energy dense products so I never had any definition. Durgafitness helped me to reduce bodyfat without losing my power, I love my body now. Thank You Durgafitness.

Derk Gallagher


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Take Your Pick


4 sessions/ month

4 sessions a month + fitness plan + food plan
Excellent for motivated beginners and intermediate experiencing plateau who want to learn how to start or change their fitness journey / learn or improve technique of exercise.


8 sessions / month

8 sessions a month +fitness plan +food plan

Excellent for anyone who is at the beginning or intermediate stage and needs to work out specific goal under the eye of professional to achieve desired effect in possibly shortest time.


12 sessions / month

12 sessions a month + fitness plan +food plan

This expensive package is best for people who need extra motivation and  supervision on the gym floor.


30 fitness classes

I am happy to offer 30 - 40 minutes general fitness classes for your employees at the work place. The sessions can take place once or twice a week on previously discussed and  agreed time.

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